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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chandigarh doctor gets prestigious award

CHANDIGARH: Dr. Dharam Vir , faculty speech and hearing, department of ENT, PGIMER, Chandigarh has been awarded talented scientist award for his contribution to alternative medicine on the occasion of XXVI National Medicos Congress at Hoshiarpur. The award was given for contributing a tool to assess the prevalence of articulation errors/defects in the Panjabi speaking children and adult population.

'Speech' is the auditory-vocal form of expressing and comprehending languages. A person with an articulation problem is the one whose production of speech sound varies too widely from the average values. This variation interferes with communication.

Around the globe, Punjabi is spoken by more than 80 million people. Need was felt to develop a specific tool to assess the prevalence of articulation errors/defects in the Panjabi speaking children and adult population. The tool thus developed is known as Punjabi Articulation Test (PAT). No such test was available for Punjabi Language prior to it.

The study made to develop the test examined the articulation errors of consonants on normal pediatrics population of Punjabi speaking children between the age ranges of 8 and 10 years. The present study examined the Punjabi Consonant Errors of Punjabi speaking children of rural (130) and urban (70) population of the Punjab State of India.

This Punjabi Articulation Test (PAT) will be very useful for the North Indian Punjabi speaking population as well as for the Punjabi speaking folks living in Pakistan and elsewhere. This test can be administered on different types of speech and language disorders of Punjabi speaking population.

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